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Interviews By Host,  &  other Multi Purposes programs

Your assignment reviews page, if and when you are selected and then appointed you will be post here for sponsors to view who you are. Your state and if you are arriving from other nations matters. You have been called on to fulfill a dream. What ever genre you are GCPTALKS, Inc sees you as an entertainment or corporation affiliate, and as a soldier and some-what a humanitarian public official. Basically your stage skills as just paid off and you are now embarking on to a different faze of your life. To uplift society struggles as you advocate through your task tours to many cities and states throughout America. Uplifting communities are the appointed Ambassadors keywords and task towards what lays ahead You will be seeking to make this life at this time possible not only for you but for those with many stories. 

Fundraising for the purpose of helping the community consisting of, media interviews covering talented artist and their work. Presenting packages to these individuals for them to become ambassadors for communities problems relevant to health and poverty issues.

Programs: Fundraising,Media, Interview Coverage, Talented Artist, Indoors & Out Doors, Biography, GCP Portfolio, Presenting Package, Community Projects, Ambassador for Projects, Health & Poverty Issues. Africultural Programs and Projects, Fostering Atlethics programs and projects for Youth Activities. GCPTALKS

other Programs and Projects. More Details


Our non profit corporation advocates for programs that also benefit Garth Charity Projects, Programs and Projects. That is an agreement between Garth Charity Projects, Inc and GCPTALKS, INC

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