GCPTALKS.ORG quiere ayudar a artistas talentosos de la comunidad a inspirarse en asuntos de sensibilización de la sociedad

Garth Thompson
Mar 17, 2023
The nonprofit organization GCPTALKS.org Latest Call To Action News
Call To Action is what we do, and now you're being called to join our actions.
Raising funds for causes.
Your Funds will benefit childhood and adult cancer.
Donor funds will feed the hunger.
Shelter those who are homeless. Habitats
Program and projects.
Youth and adult workshops/
Scholarship program and projects. Disability programs.
Facility of GCPTALKS funds and grant funds request.
Donors, volunteers and those who are potential Junior staff you are being called on to help in our programs to set up the procedure of how the organization will be operated if you are a nonprofit expert you serve is needed. The organization is about networking, and we need to connect with the right nonprofit supports in the five New York Boroughs throughout New York and elsewhere. Like the other states of America and its territories. As this is a call to action where we want to receive everyone who can give back support in any to join this effort that we are creating that will benefit the vulnerable.
Join the emailing list by contacting us about our marathon for cause and let's make the new year of 2024 the year that we walk for a cause.
A city walk to raise funds for our facility of the GCPTALKS nonprofit organization is one that is needed at this time, and your support will help make a huge difference.
Call To Action get on the phone and call someone tell them to join with us for homelessness.
We would like your help on raising funds for student scholarship, that means we want to help the poor family who find it hard to help their child's education.
If you know of a company or organization who can help a family in need who can't help themselves, with a hot meal. let us know which organization or company can you reach out to any corporation and organize a hot meal for a cause?
Call To Action-mission join us as we need land, materials to build a place for the organization in New York and Branch in Jamaica West Indies.
Call to action be a part of our organization as we want nations to help America programs and projects for humanity.
Be a part of the staff
Fundraising Director
Chief of Staff
three Secretaries
5 Liaison officers
Contact Us