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FUNDRAISER benefits the operation of GCPTALKS

Garth Thompson

Mar 19, 2023

GET INVOLVED Founder and President Garth B Thompson engage in the fundraiser campaigning efforts to give community and business owners a chance to join the spirit of giving and encourage employees to give to our causes.

Call To Action is what we do, and now you're being called to join our actions.


Raising funds for causes.

  • Your Funds will benefit childhood and adult cancer.

  • Donor funds will feed the hunger.

  • Shelter those who are homeless. Habitats

  • Program and projects.

  • Youth and adult workshops/

  • Scholarship program and projects. Disability programs.

  • Facility of GCPTALKS funds and grant funds request.


Founder and President Garth B Thompson engage in the fundraiser campaigning efforts to give community and business owners a chance to join the spirit of giving and encourage employees to give to our causes.  


The fundraising received from our funders will first be certified, and then it's the Director of the treasurer who will manage the funds. The Fundraising Director, Marketing Director, Director of Natural Disaster, and the Outreach Director are authorized only to conduct fundraising.

The Brand Ambassador will have its direction from the office Ambassador. On how the Branding Ambassador will conduct branding for funds. 

Fundraiser Founder and President Garth B Thompson

 Learn More