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Bronze Membership$4.99
Duration: Until canceledSessions: Unlimited

every month
You will be charged monthly until canceled.
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Talented artists & our new beginners pursue & market your press kit for charity. Bronze membership does tailor for those charitable-talented artists who give back to society by performing and helping with community youth development. With the efforts of long hours traveling to various locations and lengthy hours of rehearsals and meetings, this is the plan by the organization to use the Bronze membership card to benefit participants as a cardholder. The Bronze cardholder must engage in daily, weekly, and monthly activities such as joining the annual celebration from anywhere in the world. With the Bronze card membership, you get to show that you are with GCPTALKS nonprofit organization of the U.S.A. The Bronze cardholder can speak to someone or anyone about the organization's plans, and therefore, what GCPTALKS is about and how someone can join. (1) You will hold a card (2) You will send bio and photos (3) You must be 12 or 18 and older (4) You must get parental consent to signup

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